Gardening & Landscapes

Your trusted source for information

The average elevation in the state of Colorado is above 6,800 feet. High-intensity sunlight, generally low humidity, extreme weather fluctuations, and diverse soil conditions all combine to challenge Colorado gardeners and homeowners. Thankfully, CSU Extension has the gardening resources and expertise to help you be successful.

Close up of a monarch butterfly on purple flowers.

Gardening & Landscape

Featured Programs

Colorado Master Gardeners

A robust network of certified volunteer gardeners who work across the state of Colorado helping others learn to become gardeners. With over 1,400 volunteers as of 2023, Master Gardeners volunteered over 53,000 hours and reached over 150,000 Coloradans. Volunteers answer helpdesk questions, do outreach, and help adult, youth, and community gardens flourish.

Person working in the garden at the Colorado State University Eagle County Extension office
A vibrant sunset scene over a wildflower meadow, with tall plants silhouetted against the colorful sky.

Low-flammability landscape plants guide

In Colorado, choosing the right plants around structures is an important part of wildfire safety. Management of defensible space and plant types is also essential. Check out the full guide for information and tips on choosing plants for your property.

Featured Resources

Discover a wealth of information on gardening, landscaping, and related topics when you visit the CSU Extension website.

Need help?

Please contact us with questions or for more information.