Aerial view of the Colorado State University campus, surrounded by autumn trees, with the Rocky Mountains in the background under a bright blue sky.

CSU’s Engaged

empowering our communities to thrive

A young woman writing on a whiteboard filled with notes and ideas related to traffic solutions.

Center for Public Deliberation

The Center for Public Deliberation (CPD) focuses their energy and expertise on elevating the conversation, not winning the argument. Since 2006, CPD has partnered with local governments and organizations throughout Northern Colorado to do just that.

Institute for Entrepreneurship, College of Business

The Institute for Entrepreneurship serves as a hub for innovation, taking a zero-barriers approach to entrepreneurship by offering free programming open to all CSU affiliates and Colorado community members. The three stage Venture Development Platform programming and others are designed to help launch successful ventures as well as build an entrepreneurial mindset in all of our program participants. The institute also facilitates connections in order to validate, incubate and accelerate your startup.

Two people in a casual setting discussing something while seated on orange chairs, with laptops and notebooks in front of them.
A diverse group of students and a teacher having a discussion in a library, with shelves of books visible in the background.

Institute for Research in the Social Sciences (IRISS)

IRISS aims to connect and support social scientists with other researchers, as well as university, community, and industry partners. At their core, they:

  • Provide and support research methods training
  • Enhance social science research capacity
  • Improve grant competitiveness campus-wide
  • Promote interdisciplinary research networking opportunities

Regional Economic Development Institute (REDI)

REDI is an engaged research enterprise that aims to understand, analyze, and inform economic development strategies particularly in struggling regions in both rural and urban areas, especially in Colorado.

The Denver skyline at dusk with the Rocky Mountains in the background, buildings illuminated against the evening sky.
People seated around a large conference table, engaged in a discussion, with a view of the mountains through large windows in the background.

Straayer Center for Public Service Leadership

The Straayer Center for Public Service Leadership provides public-service oriented professional development opportunities for students; facilitates applied research on policy issues and governance processes linking academics and practitioners; and provides thought leadership on public issues through university and community partners. The Center has three main areas of activity:

  • Community outreach and university engagement
  • Student experience and experiential learning
  • Applied research and practical application

Prevention Research Center (PRC)

The PRC coordinates prevention research across CSU and supports prevention practitioners across Colorado. Prevention research works to promote individual and family health and wellness through by developing and studying intervention programs. The PRC serves as a bridge between CSU faculty, community organizations, practitioners, and policy makers. The Center helps move new learnings in prevention science research into practice.

A group of colleagues engaged in a lively discussion around a table, with laptops, notebooks, and glasses of water in front of them, in a modern office space filled with natural light.

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